While the term “resimercial” or at least the concept may not be new to you, it’s fast becoming one of the hottest trends in workplace design. Involving the incorporation of homelike influences into commercial furnishings and spaces, we’re going to take a closer look at its benefits and why it’s on the rise.

We’re focusing more on well-being than ever before

It’s safe to say that many businesses are making well-being a priority, mainly to increase productivity and retention across their organisations. One such way of doing this is incorporating the interior styles we usually see in homes into the office environment. The decision to introduce warmer and more playful colours, shapes and layouts contrasts with the traditional designs seen in workplaces. However, it places greater emphasis on making employees feel happy and comfortable and offers staff more than just a desk and a chair. It’s believed to even be tempting remote workers who feel isolated at home back into the office. It can certainly give employees a more relaxed environment in which to be more creative.

It’s successful at getting the home/work balance right

In order to be successful, resimercial design must adopt a balanced blend of the traditional and home office, without making the workplace feel ‘just like home’. The furniture used still needs to be practical and cost-effective, but it can be comfy too. Items of furniture that take inspiration from the residential world but retain commercial properties are definitely the way forward, as is developing a ‘palette of places’ which facilitate quiet areas where employees can focus on their projects as well as spaces that enable communication and collaboration. A resimercial design can mirror the multi-functional way in which we use our homes, with consideration been given to different tasks. The dinning room table effect when placed in the right setting and a quiet more library like area are two approaches to office zoning.

It reflects how people want to work

With remote and flexible positions now more common than ever before, it’s time for offices to reflect how people want to work – and resimercial certainly does that. Office spaces no longer need to have clear functions; instead, providing areas that people can meet up and relax in every once in a while is proving popular. This idea is taken straight from the dining room – it’s not just where families come together and eat anymore, it’s often used as an office, art room and family room. Having a more homely look is not at odds with other key office design trends based around how people wish to work – it fits perfectly with neighbourhood based choice environments and activity based workplace design which are all about designing offices based on collaboration and different types of activity.

Looking to the future, even more businesses are likely to adopt the resimercial trend, adding warm pastel tones, vibrant carpeting and colourful upholstery to their workplaces. Paragon Design can work with you in creating furniture and settings that reflect the comforts of home, yet incorporate practical elements that a modern office requires.

